If you are ready to maximize the ultimate measure of your life, you can rest assured that Feed the Need Missions is an avenue through which you can make a major impact on those in most need and also reflect the character and values of Dr King.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
BASTROP SOUTH serves every Monday starting at 5:00pm at Primera Baptist Church located at 301 Paul C Bell St, Bastrop, TX 78602.
“I have lived in Texas my entire life. I’ve lived in Bastrop for 33 yrs and I have never seen anything like Feed the Need Missions before,” he said. Scott lives with his son and has been attending the site for 7 years. During the 7 years he’s been coming he went through some very challenging times, “my parents house burned down in 2011, a few years later they passed away, my wife also had left me and we divorced, my son had gotten very sick and I almost died from diabetic coma, and you guys were always there to listen and to pray for me,” he said.
When asked how Feed the Need Missions has helped him he replied, “it’s helped me from running out of food. I am able to stretch our food to make it week by week.”
“The encouragement that I receive here has helped me grow socially. I am able to talk more about my personal struggles and about God to other people. I’ve had a problem with going to church since my mom has passed away and you guys have helped fill me spiritually,” Scott said.
“I have been through so much and I know where to come for prayer, right here” Sandra said with tears in her eyes. Sandra has been fighting cancer for over a year and just started radiation. Her outlook on life is always positive and she brings so much joy when she comes. “When I am here the presence of God is here, I can feel it,” she said.
She has lived in Bastrop for many years with her husband who currently works, but with medical bills and hardship she can’t always get a good meal. “I love the burgers even when I’m not feeling good, I still love them,” she said giggling.
“I can’t imagine my life without you guys. I have been coming here for years and every time I am here you welcome me with open arms. Today I wanted to come to give everyone a hug to let them know how much they are appreciated, just like the appreciation and encouragement you give me. I have grown so much in my faith and I truly believe I am healed from cancer. Maybe not on earth but I will be in heaven,” she said crying. “Thank you for everything you have done for me,” she added.
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed.
With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like Scott and Sandra, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
Barbara, a retired gym teacher from Franklin, Texas lost her home in the Franklin F3 Tornado. “I was laying on my bedroom floor when the roof was lifted off of my house,” she said. Her aged father was in a closet in the hallway. “All I could do was pray, and pray hard,” she said with tears.
She brings so much joy to her community, before and after the tornado. In fact, people kept telling us how much joy she still brings to them even though she lost everything, including her three vehicles. When asked about her joy, she said, “Why let it get you down? All lives were spared by the grace of God. He didn’t have to do that.”
Like Barbara, many others got to experience what the love of Christ is all about. “I came here every morning, and every evening and sometimes at lunch time too. I could have easily went to other places giving out free food, but there is just something special about you people, I know it’s God, but come on, there must be something else,” she would tell us with a hug.
Barbara touched our hearts too. Watching the joy and her being strong for her community was endless. She welcomed everyone with open arms and asked every single person how they were doing. Some days she cried, but most days she had a smile. On our last day of serving she came by and hugged us all and said, “You have helped me so much in ways I can’t even describe, if my house is built by Christmas, you can all come to my house for Christmas dinner so I can feed you like you did for me and the community.”
Feed the Need Missions has wrapped up our time serving those affected by the tornado in Franklin, Texas, however we are always preparing to respond to the next disaster.
Can you partner with Feed the Need Missions and help us be prepared when a disaster strikes by providing a donation today? Simply click the donate button and designate your gift to disaster relief. Thank you!
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
Newark Serves every Tuesday starting at 6:00pm at the Park Near Fire Station located at 405 Hudson Street, Newark, TX 76071.
Scottlan and Ronette
Scottlan and Ronette have been married for almost 11 years. They have four beautiful daughters. The family heard about Feed the Need Missions from Brandon (Justin, Site Coordinator). They helped Brandon get the Justin site established.
“I love the simplicity of Feed the Need Missions. Love God and Love People. Feed the Need Missions does just that. When we found out we were moving to Aurora we were sad to leave the Justin site but we knew there was a great need for one in Newark so we began to pray about becoming Site Coordinators,” said Ronette.
After a year of prayer and preparation Scottlan and Ronette are now the Site Coordinators of the newest site in North Fort Worth; Newark. “It has had such an impact on me. It has shown me that the gospel is simple. We don’t have to complicate it. I am blessed each week by seeing people serve others and seeing others fall in love with Jesus by using the burgers as a tool. It draws me closer to the Lord and blesses my soul,” she said.
Meagan and her family moved to Rome 3 ½ years ago. “God said here is your home, now do something with it. My family and I have been looking for community. Feed the Need Missions is a beautiful thing that gets people out with no strings attached. It’s exactly what I always envisioned real, raw authentic ministry to be,” she said. “We now have a place to serve together.”
Meagan explains exactly what Feed the Need Missions is: “You look out and see a legacy. It’s a seed. Jesus said go out and feed the people and share the love and that’s what you guys are doing,” Meagan said. Feed the Need Missions spreads the seed of Jesus Christ.
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
JUSTIN Serves every Thursday starting at 5:30pm at Justin Park located at 415 North College Ave., Justin, TX 78647.
Jay moved to Justin Texas from California in 1975. Growing up he spent most of his life moving around. “Dad was in the military and we moved around every 3 years. I had a hard time making friends and keeping friends because of it,” he said.
He moved in with his parents in 2009 to take care of them. In 2010 his father passed away and in 2016 his mother. Jay was married, but divorced because of alcoholism and other reasons. Right before he moved in with his parents Jay decided he needed to quit drinking and to get his life back on track with God.
After Jay’s mother died he started battling depression. He found himself slipping back with no where to turn. Before Jay started serving he would come to get free food and Brandon, our Justin Site Coordinator would pray with him every chance he could. Soon, Jay started serving and was being picked up for church by Brandon.
But that’s not all, just a few months ago Jay called Brandon in desperation. He was wanting to take his life. With a gun to his head he sent a desperate text message to Brandon and Brandon immediately went to his house. Through conversations and prayer Jay realized his life on earth still had meaning.
Jay was just recently baptized at First Baptist Church Justin where Brandon attends. Brandon was able to be in the baptismal with Jay. “I was the crazy guy dancing and raising my hands in the air after I came up out of the water. If it wasn’t for Brandon helping me through my challenges and praying with me, I would not have been able to experience God’s presence, and if it wasn’t for Feed the Need Missions I wouldn’t have a place where I can serve and share my story with others.”
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
Stony Point serves every Sunday starting at 5:30pm at Stony Point Park located at 121 Stony Creek Drive, Stony Point, TX 786017
Julia has been living in Stony Point for 48 years. She has a daughter, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. She spends a lot of time taking care of her grandchildren so her daughter can work.
Julia heard about Feed the Need Missions from Gilbert, a volunteer at our Stony Point site. Julia was driving by and Gilbert stopped her to give her some food. At first, Julia was a little skeptical about staying for the fellowship so she would receive her meal and leave. Now, six months later Julia stays to enjoy her meal at the site and stays after for Table Talk.
“Feed the Need Missions has been a blessing to me. I look forward to Monday nights. Every time I go everyone is so nice. I like that we pray and study the Bible together. Seeing you guys give food to everyone and seeing the smiles on the kids faces makes my heart happy,” Julia said.
“After reaching a point in my life where my health was so bad and I received a diagnosis of a rare respiratory disorder, I basically didn’t expect to be here on earth. After several years in a wheelchair, I decided to fight against everything holding me down,” Marty said.
Marty has been serving at the Stony Point site for almost a year. He loves what Feed The Need Missions is doing. It has helped him with his recovery and helped him get involved in outreach again through a positive Christ centered environment. “My purpose here is to let each person know that no matter what has been done, no matter what is currently going on, or what will occur in the future, each of us has been extended grace and forgiveness from Christ. Feed the Need Missions has provided outreach for me to share true love and grace. I am trying to be a fisher of men,” Marty said.
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
GIDDINGS Serves every Sunday starting at 5:00pm at Giddings Food Pantry located at 190 North Harris, Giddings, TX 78942.
Kathy is 64, lives with her son, his girlfriend and her two children. “I couldn’t make it on my own,” Kathy explained, “I’m on disability and if it wasn’t for my son, I don’t know what I would do.” Kathy comes to Feed the Need Missions on Sunday nights in Giddings when they don’t have enough to eat at home. Kathy is not one of those faces we see each week at the site.
Feed the Need Missions helps to fill the gap for Kathy and her family when times are tough. “My son has a job, works full time, but by the time bills are paid there’s not much left over for us to buy groceries.” Lately, Kathy has been a regular at the site because the family is in one of those tight seasons. She walks to the site often with Shawna, the daughter of her son’s girlfriend, to get a meal; sometime two meals for the family. “It’s nice knowing I can always come here and get something to eat,” Kathy shared.
Kathy is not a believer, however it is evident the Lord is working during this tough time. We are praying for Kathy and her family to come to know the love, truth, and grace found in Jesus. We know God can do great things even with something as simple as a hamburger.
“I’ve been coming since the beginning,” Barbara says, with a smile on her face and joy in her eyes. At first glance you would not see the hurt Barbara is currently facing. Barbara is dealing with abandonment and going through a divorce.
Barbara joins us weekly in Giddings and has done so since April of 2014. She comes and updates us weekly with how life is going. The good and the bad, the ups and the downs. Barbara caught on quickly what Feed the Need Missions is all about.
She loves our burgers, but it isn’t just the hot meal she comes for. Feed the Need Missions is a place of hope and encouragement for Barbara. “I know when I have nothing to eat I can come here to eat and get the support and prayer I need. I try to make it each week for the time of prayer,” she explains.
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
SMITHVILLE serves every Sunday starting at 5:00pm at The Neighbor Place at Hart’s Chapel located at 206 Prima St, Smithville, TX 78957.
Bonny has been attending our Smithville site for two years. She’s a widow that has lived in Smithville most of her life. Having little income and not wanting to cook, Bonny began visiting our site frequently.
“I like the people here. Everyone is friendly and always wanting to help me,” she said. “Sometimes I get lonely at my house so I come out for food and conversations.”
Bonny has gone through several hardships in her life and is trying to rebuild her life again. She decided to use her talents and make bird houses to supplement her income. Feed the Need Missions was fortunate to purchased a few of Bonny’s original creations for our recent Gala auction.
Timothy has been living in Smithville with his parents for six months. He came to Feed the Need Missions to perform his community service. Timothy grew up going to church because he felt he had no choice. However, he never really understood his own faith. Recently that all changed.
Timothy was living a good life in Austin. He was a bartender and working in the construction field. A few bad choices later, everything changed instantly and he was placed behind bars. While serving out his jail time, God got a hold of Timothy’s heart and he started reading his Bible.
“Now that I am out and in a positive environment, you guys have helped me see a different outlook on life. Seeing people going through the same things that I went through burdens my heart,” he said. “Now I can give back and share my story to those that are going through the same thing I did.”
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from each of our sites across Texas. Every site has the same mission: to feed people physically and spiritually. We see God using our volunteers and those that come to grow and build relationships with those in Christ. Here are just a few of the stories from our sites this past year.
BASTROP NORTH serves every Sunday starting at 5:00pm at The Apartments on Linden located at 603 Linden St, Bastrop, TX 78602.
“I have been living in Bastrop for a long time,” John said. “I have never seen a group of people come together for our community in such a positive way. I come for food and fellowship. I love what you’re doing with the videos and bible study (Table Talk). You guys explain it to where I can understand it. You are like my family. I can come and talk to anyone here.”
John has been coming to the Bastrop North site a long time. He began coming just a few months after the site started. John has a heart to help people. He will house people who need a home. He loves the Lord and attends a local church with his housemates.
Peggy was born in Birmingham, Alabama and raised as a child in Phoenix, Arizona. “I moved to Austin, Texas in 1978 and grew up in Austin from the seventh grade into adulthood. I attended a baptist church and then moved to Bastrop where I currently live,” said Peggy.
Peggy became homeless a few times during her adulthood. She’s been in bad relationships and her life has not been easy. Because of this she started drinking and doing drugs. She would get sober and hard times came upon her and she ended up in jail and back on drugs again.
“I went back to jail a few more times before I was accepted into a women’s recovery program which is where I met you guys and started volunteering. I graduated the program and remained active with Feed The Need Missions volunteering at the different sites. It gives me an overall feeling that I am doing something to make a difference in people’s lives as Feed The Need Missions made a difference in my life by giving me purpose and meaning in life,” she said.
When you give to support our communities, people’s hearts and lives are being changed. With your help, Feed the Need Missions will continue to provide a hot meal and share the love and message of Christ to those in our communities each week.
Can you help Feed the Need Missions continue serving each week by making a generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 today? Without your generosity, people like John and Peggy, might not get to hear about the love of the gospel and what it truly means to have people who love and support you where you are.
Don’t delay, give now and make a difference in your community today.
Enduring the loss of loved ones, surviving two floods, and rebuilding their life after three wildfires, has certainly taken its toll on Mike and Jane Haley. While the fires were angry and consuming every thought, every second, every ounce of positivity from the Haleys, God brought Feed The Need Missions exactly where He needed them to be.
On October 13th, 2015 the “Hidden Pines Fire” began its raging descent across Bastrop. The Haleys quickly were rendered helpless with the loss of water and electricity. Daily, Jane would leave their home to visit the Smithville Fire Department and fill plastic containers. On one of those exhausting trips a thin, blue-eyed young man name Bryan offered to assist Jane in filling the water jugs and carried them to her car. He shared with Mary that his mother had been in the fire zone and he spoke of God’s goodness and His protection. Jane was finding it difficult to think of a protective and good God; especially when a fireman confirmed, “It’s headed your way.” Bryan comforted Jane with a sweet smile and a promise of prayer.
It was a surreal environment at home as Jane and Mike gathered what they regarded as most important while grimly watching their cattle herded into trailers and taken away. From their porch, they watched the smoke as it approached, Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters dropping water on the growing fire, and a DC3 jet dropping orange retardant. Despite all these efforts, the fire continued to rage closer.
One morning, Jane and Mike simply wanted coffee. Driving into Smithville once again, they noticed people outside the Smithville Recreation Center. Our Feed The Need Missions crew quickly greeted them with breakfast and coffee. Jane and Mike were so touched they asked to join the team for lunch preparations. Joining hands with Feed The Need Missions provided a positive environment for Jane and Mike to be distracted, if only for a little while.
Later that night Bryan and Barb delivered a warm dinner, encouragement, and friendship to the Haley’s home. Overwhelmed once again with the ‘impossible generosity of strangers’, Jane and Mike hardly had words to express their gratitude for a hot dinner prepared by servant hands.
The Haleys returned the next day for breakfast and again stayed to prepare for lunch. As they were standing in the line serving, Mike received THE call on his cell stating, “If you have anything of value in your home, get it and get out now.” The fire was coming, and they had to get home immediately to get their bags, dogs and cats and leave. Despite the busy lunch rush the Feed The Need Missions Team surrounded Jane and Mike embracing them as they trembled and wept lifting them up in prayer.
Jane said, “What is of utmost importance to understand in our story is during deeply traumatic times, it was the over-riding blessings, being touched by something so great and outside of ourselves, the continuous encompassing demonstration of unconditional love by those in Feed The Need Missions that fed, encouraged and elevated our spirits. “Truly, the Feed the Need volunteers were the ‘outstretched hands and feet of Christ.’ They loved without question, served without hesitation and prayed in the face of obvious improbability.”
Help us be prepared for the unthinkable today.
Did you know September is National Preparedness Month? Since 2011 Feed the Need Missions has served communities hit with devastating floods, tornadoes, fires, and hurricanes with a hot meal, listening ear, and encouragement.
Can you help us be prepared to respond to the next disaster and make a donation today? Your gift of $10, $25, or $50 will help us respond quicker and serve more people when disaster strikes.
While we never hope for a disaster, we know your support will help us be even more prepared to respond when disaster does come our way.
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