What is new with Table Talk?
We started a new Table Talk series covering all six of Feed the Need Missions’ core values: Jesus, Consistency, Stewardship, Servant Leadership, Mercy, and Simplicity. Last week we visited Smithville to see how the volunteers see the core value of consistency playing out at their site. This week we visited LBA to discuss mercy.
Week 3: Mercy, LBA Site
No one deserves Jesus; His salvation was a gift to us. We are to conduct ourselves in a likewise manner and bring that message of salvation to all who will hear it.
Romans 6:23 says: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- The Gift of God is that he paid the price, the wage, for your sin.
Romans 5:8 says: But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
- “While we were still sinners…” We didn’t need to get perfect first.
Romans 10:9 says: If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
- Have you done this?
We asked everyone to consider: How will you share the good news of God’s mercy at the site and throughout the week?
Here’s some of what our LBA volunteers had to say about how Table Talk has impacted them personally and how it’s impacting their site.
For many guests, coming to a weekly site is their only encounter with God—this is their church experience for the week. So, our volunteers must remember why they are there, and that is the purpose of Table Talk. Caleb said, “I enjoy Table Talk. It focuses the night; sometimes you get here and get straight to prep work and forget that we’re here to serve Jesus, so Table Talk helps recenter you.”
Seeing the things we learn being lived out each week by guests and volunteers helps strengthen our desire to serve and share the gospel. “Since I started volunteering last August, I’ve seen a lot more people get involved. Actually, a lot more of the kids have started engaging during Table Talk. When the Teen Challenge boys are here, they are very active in the Table Talk discussions.”
Society’s impression of homeless people is that they don’t deserve anything; coming to the site and feeding people physically and spiritually is how the volunteers extend God’s mercy and compassion to our guests. “I don’t look at us serving as mercy; I see it as serving Jesus.“
Caleb sees serving at the LBA site as living out what Jesus called us to do: love others as Christ loves us. “Coming to the site each week is my weekly spiritual recharge, so I really love coming out here.”
Each week, there is something new to learn. Table Talk is framed in a way that is easily accessible to anyone listening and encourages engagement with each other. Carol said, “I learn something every single week during Table Talk; it’s like having a Bible study that gets us ready to serve.” She explained how she believes the guests’ comfort is part of their willingness to engage with the volunteers. “When we talk with guests in their cars, I think there’s a comfort there—they’re in their own element, so there’s still a sense of control. So, it feels like they’re more open to hearing what you share about Jesus.”
“At the LBA site, I think we get good engagement because people are comfortable—they know they don’t have to speak up, so when they do, you know it’s because their minds are truly curious. It’s outside the church’s four walls—that’s our impact; we’re going out into the community to spread the gospel and love of Jesus.”
When you see the spiritual growth of returning guests or volunteers, it strengthens the view of the importance of Table Talk. “I’ve gotten to see volunteers and guests grow spiritually through our Table Talk discussions—asking questions and providing insights—it’s been really amazing to see. It shows that they’re reading their Bibles and really questioning things.”
When we discussed the topic of mercy, we realized that none of us are deserving of God’s love or gift of eternal life, but because Jesus willingly took upon our sins and died for us, we are all offered the free gift of eternal life with God. Part of living a life in service of God is that we get to extend that love and grace to others. Carol shared, “We all deserve so much less than we receive. As volunteers, we don’t really deserve the happiness we get from being out here serving the community, but God gives it to us anyway.“
Jeremy discussed why he believes Table Talk is an integral component of the function of our weekly sites. “Table Talk gets you ready to serve; it’s straight from scripture, so it prepares your heart and mind to go out and serve—you’re recentered and remember the Feed the Need’s mission. Without Table Talk, being out here wouldn’t be the same. Without the spiritual refresher starting off the night, we would just be out here passing out food. We need the reminder of why we’re here. Table Talk invites God into everything we’re doing and helps us bring Jesus into our conversations with our guests.”
As we discussed God’s mercy, we are all very aware that because of our innate sin, none of us are deserving of God’s mercy and grace—but Jesus was sent to earth to bridge the gap between sin and God. Jeremy shared how he sees mercy playing a vital role at the LBA site. “Without mercy, I wouldn’t be here. I definitely didn’t deserve for anyone to take the time to tell me about Jesus, and now I get to pay it forward. Some of our guests don’t feel like they deserve to be receiving free meals, or some even feel like they don’t deserve to be living. But we get to show them mercy and tell them that God loves them. We get to show them that we’re a bunch of nobodies, just like them, but we get to show them we care by sharing the love we’ve found through Jesus with them.”
At our weekly sites, you walk side by side with people, which allows you to see the needs. Table Talk helps you build and strengthen your relationship with God, and when you consistently work on your faith walk, that begins to overflow into your community.
If you have never been to a site, we encourage you to check it out. Feel free to hang around for Table Talk to experience it for yourself, and if you feel compelled, stay and volunteer. The beauty of our time around the table is that you not only spend time with the Lord but also get to encourage others on their spiritual journey.
We hope to see you at one of our weekly sites soon!