Review last weeks lesson on Khata/sin.
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
God makes a promise that He will bless all nations through Abraham’s family. But with aging husbands, impatient matriarchs, blessing-stealing children, and jealous siblings who keep mucking things up, how will God’s promise prevail? As Abraham and Sarah learn to trust in God and believe His promises, their lineage brings about the Nation of Israel, Jesus Christ, and the Church many centuries later, ushering in a heavenly kingdom that is established by faith and love.
Plenty of mistakes and wrong choices are made along the way, but God continually delivers them through His grace and kindness in the Book of Genesis. Note the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham, a special contract sealed by blood that comes full circle with the Messiah’s sacrifice on the cross.
Key Points:
- Abraham’s Covenant – God tells Abraham to go to Canaan and promises him numerous descendants. Abraham overcomes his doubts, believes God, and miraculously has a son with Sarah.
- Sodom & Gomorrah – A foreshadowing of future mercy and judgment, God saves Abraham’s nephew Lot from the destruction of wicked Sodom and Gomorrah after Abraham intercedes.
- Isaac and The Blessing – Still sojourning in Canaan, Abraham’s blessing continues through Isaac and God gives him Rebekah as his wife. Isaac has twin sons – Jacob and Esau.
- Family Struggles – Jacob steals Esau’s birthright and runs for his life. Jacob’s uncle Laban cheats him and his jealous wives compete, but all find forgiveness in the end.
- Joseph and Egypt – Joseph is hated by his brothers who sell him into slavery in Egypt, but God uses the situation to save them from famine. God turning evil on its head is the Book of Genesis’ overall theme.
Talk About It
- Like Sarah waiting a long time to receive a baby, what is something in your life you prayed for and it took years for the prayers to be answered?
- Does your doubt ever shadow over the truth of what God says?
- God transforms something into evil for good. How has God turned something evil for good in your life?
- If you were Esau, would you be able to forgive your sibling for stealing your birthright?
- Have you ever been able to forgive someone in your life who has hurt you terribly?
- How are you doing on your reading plan?
Helpful Resources
The Bible Project: Genesis 12-50
The Bible Project: TaNak/Old Testament