Review last weeks lesson on Genesis 12-50.
The goal is to present the Gospel as often as possible and in different formats. The first three weeks have been an overview of the Bible followed by two weeks exploring of Genesis. You should be challenging your audience to finish reading the book of Genesis. Before playing the video spend some time talking about what everyone has been reading. The next video breaks things up a little and presents the Gospel by talking about the Image of God. After playing the video, facilitate a discussion about what truth they received from listening. Follow this dialog by offering an invitation.
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
Thankfully, the image of God definition extends further than the definition that we have made it. In sending Christ to the earth to live as a man, God shows us what it truly looks like to live a life in the image of God. Through Christ’s example, we see that this life is one of servitude and goodness to others no matter what they do to us. Jesus even confronts all of the evil and destruction that we have created as rulers of the earth by taking on the full force of it when He died on the cross.
Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus provided both an answer to the question what is the image of God as well as a way by which all of mankind could start living anew, filled with the love and goodness of Christ and acting fully in God’s image. At the very end of the Bible, this is the picture that we see – a new earth where all of the saved rule over creation and push the world forward as images of God with Christ as their salvation and example.
Key Points
- If you lived in Biblical times, you were probably used to people claiming to be the”image of god”. Most everyone in those times lived under the rule of a king, and these kings proclaimed themselves to be god’s image on earth, having the authority to carry out the will of the gods.
- Israel was the one nation that didn’t view their kings as gods.
They also were not allowed to create idols or images of their God, because God had already made images of Himself. - The image of God in the Bible that we are given shows that ruling over the earth means to cultivate it, harnessing its raw potential and moving creation forward.
- The task that God gave mankind to act in His image and rule over the earth becomes much like day-to-day activities that mankind has been doing for thousands of years. Unfortunately, just as often as people are good rulers and stewards of the earth, we’re terrible ones who spread sin and suffering.
- Jesus is the new human, the perfect image of God.
- Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus provided both an answer to the question, “what is the image of God” as well as a way by which all of mankind could start living anew, filled with the love and goodness of Christ and acting fully in God’s image.
Talk About It
- What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
- If we are created to be more like God, then why do we continue to do things that are not of God?
- How are you helping to move the gospel forward?
- What areas in your life can you be more like Jesus?
- How can you better your walk with Christ?
- Everyone should be finished with the book of Genesis. Next week we will start Exodus.
Helpful Resources
The Bible Project: What Does It Mean To Be Human
The Bible Project: Image of God
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