The Torah Week 3
1Start with a review of Genesis 1:1-11 and an overview of the series.
Last week we walked through Genesis Chapters 1-11. Hopefully, your group feels challenged to continue reading their Bibles this week. We are going to learn about the Hebrew word “KHATA” which means Sin. The word “sin” is one of the most common bad words in the Bible, but what does it really mean? We’ll explore the concept of “moral failure” that underlies this biblical word. Get ready to discover a profound and realistic portrait of the human condition.
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
In the Old Testament, the word for sin is “khata”, meaning “to fail” or “to miss the goal.” What is the goal? The answer comes on page one of the Bible, which says we are all made in the image of God. Every human is a sacred being who represents the creator and is worthy of respect. Sin is a failure to love God and others and a failing to treat people with the honor they deserve.
Key Points
- In the Bible, the people who are often failing don’t know it or actually believe they are succeeding.
- Sin causes us to easily deceive ourselves into redefining our bad decisions as good ones.
- It is rooted in our desires and selfish urges that compel us to act for our own benefit at the expense of others.
- Sin is the deep selfish impulse that drives our behavior.
- It is an excellent explanation of the travails all humans face.
- Jesus is the solution to sin.
- Jesus did not fail. He did not sin. In fact, he went a step further and took our sins on himself so that we might die to our sins and live to do what is right
Talk About It
- When you are sinning do you recognize your sin and stop, or do you continue going knowing it’s not right?
- What are some ways you can be accountable?
- If sin is an impulse, how can we change our impulse?
- What does it mean to you that “Jesus is the solution to sin?”
- Since Jesus is the solution to sin, then why do we continue sinning?
- What does it mean to “die to our sins?”
- What are some areas in your life where you struggle with sin?
- Challenge your group to continue reading. Next week we will discuss Chapters 12-50
Helpful Resources
The Bible Project: The Bad Word Series
ChurchLeaders.com: What to Know About Sin
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have. We have other topics in the Torah series if you would like to check them out. We also have other topics in the table talk series if you are interested in continuing to learn and grow.