Look Back
- Was there an issue that was causing a hardened heart in your life?
- What did you do to renew it?
- How did it go? How is it going?
Watch the video from us.
Look In
The Hebrew word Nephesh is used over 700 times in the bible and is almost always translated as “Soul.” Unfortunately, this is often a bad translation as the English word soul often has meaning not intended, like a sort of immortal ghost that lives inside us until we die. Nephesh directly translates to “throat” similar to the old adage “you are what you eat” much of what we are is because of what’s inside of us, our whole being. Nephesh refers to not only our physical selves, but our whole physical existence, the “All of Me.”
- Say this, “You shall Love the Lord your God with all your Nephesh.”
- Now, based upon the definition of Nephesh we learned today, put that statement into you own words.
- What would it look like if your where to “Love the Lord your God with all your Nephesh” tomorrow?
Look Forward:
We sometimes love foods or TV more than time with God.
- To have the kind of Nephesh love, all our physicalness, directed towards God tomorrow, what do you need to change, what would you need to physically start or stop doing?
- Is there a habit or “rut” you need to break to devote more of your time, energy, and body to God?
- How will you start or stop doing it, what will you do in place of replace that habit? What is your action plan?
Pray for one another to do these things.
Helpful Resources:
- The Bible Project: What is the Shema?
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