Look Back:
In this series we will be looking at God’s promised Advent, or coming of his son, Jesus. This is the most important event in human history; the almighty, eternal, creator becoming human, living among us, and suffering on our behalf in order to give us life.
- Who did God lay on your heart to love with an Agape love?
- What did you do last week to love them without any expectation of anything in return?
- How did it go? Did God bless you?
Look Up:
Watch this video from us.
Review the notes below.
The Book of Genesis tells the story of how God ushered in His Covenant, His promise, through the aged and childless Abraham and Sara. Luke chapter one tells a similar story of Zechariah and Elizabeth who would give birth to a son, John the Baptist. He would usher in God’s answer to the first promise, a New Covenant for all people through a savior, Jesus Christ, who would reign forever.
We are introduced to Mary, a young woman who was engaged, yet unmarried. She is told by an angel that she will give birth to the future King, the Son of God, who will reign over all peoples, forever. Imagine, she is a virgin who will give birth to a savior who will turn the whole world upside-down. She is unsure how this can happen but calls herself a servant and accepts God’s plan.
Chapter two describes Jesus’ birth. His parents are obviously of simple means, in fact the birthplace is an animal stable. Unclean and low status shepherds receive an angelic announcement of the savior’s birth. They go with haste to see that it is true and proclaim the news to others. From these humble beginnings – an obedient virgin giving birth in an animal stable, witnessed and proclaimed by simple shepherds – the whole world will be turned upside-down.
Look In: Discussion
- Read Luke 1:1-4. Why is it important to have eyewitnesses?
- Why was Jesus born into such humble beginnings?
- Compare the two responses in Luke 1:38 and Luke 2:15.
Look Forward:
Point: Jesus came humbly because He came for all people.
- Do you believe that Jesus is the gift of God, the savior that can restore the relationship between you and God? If not, Why not
- If so, how are you serving with haste in obedience to your belief
- What is God asking you to do for Him right now?
- What is one thing you can do this week to make it happen?
- How will you do this one thing?
Pray for one another to do it and be ready to share what God does with your obedience.
Helpful Resources:
The Bible Project: Podcast on Luke
Article from Stephen Witmer: To Us a Child Is Born