Look Back
- What did you do last week to show God you loved Him?
- What did you do last week to show a neighbor you loved them?
- How did it go?
Watch the video from us.
Look In
While the Hebrews understood that the Lev or physical heart sustains life, they also thought it to be the center of intellect (not the brain), that this is where all understanding, wisdom, and emotion came from. All pain, fear and joy came from the heart. Therefore, all choices where a result of the desires of the heart and therefore all poor choices, sin, where a result of an evil or hardened heart. The only solution would be a renewal of the heart and the only way to do this would The Shema; a renewing of body and mind, i.e. a renewing of the life sustaining heart.
- Though we know today that mental decision-making processes take place in the brain, when we feel emotional joy or pain, where do we feel it? Is it easy to see how the ancient world assumed it came from the heart?
- Say this, “Love the Lord your God with all your Lev.”
- Based upon what we now know of the Hebrew definition of Lev/heart, put that statement into your own words.
- How can we renew our heart? What does that look like practically?
Look Forward:
Point: A hardened heart is the sign of a sinful, lost life and must be renewed through a rebirth.
- Is there a choice you are currently making that is causing a hardened heart?
- How can you renew your heart?
- Will you choose to renew you heart today? This week?
- What do you need to do? How will you do it?
Pray for one another to do these things.
Helpful Resources:
- The Bible Project: The Shema
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