Week 3: Ahavah/Love
Look Back:
- Did you need to address your usage of God’s name?
- How did you do that?
- How did it go, how did God speak to you?
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
Look In
The Hebrew word for love is Avahah meaning affection, care and loyalty. God’s love is everlasting and so much more than a feeling, like a parent loving a child, “no matter what.” Since God chose to do this, it’s much greater than a feeling, it’s an action. And as He directs His love towards us, He expects us to direct our love towards Him in action, not lip service. We show this love by obeying Him in how we treat other people – to love our neighbors as ourselves.
- Today, how is the world’s definition of love different from Ahavah?
- 1 John 4:19 says, “We Ahavah/love because he first Ahavah/loved us.” What does this mean?
Look Forward:
Point: God loves us unconditionally, but we must choose to accept His love and show it through our actions.
- Do you truly believe God loves you with an Ahavah, action type love?
- If not, would you like to receive His Ahavah? Read John 3:16.
- If so, do you love Him in the same way?
- If so, how do you show it? Do you need to start or stop doing anything to show it or to do better? (spend time with him, obey a command, etc.)
- If not, what do you need to start or stop doing to show it.
- Read Matthew 22:37-39. What can you do this week to show love to a “Neighbor”?
Pray for one another to do these things.
Helpful Resources:
The Bible Project: Shema