The Shema Week 6
Look Back
- In order to give all your Nephesh (physical being) to God in love, was there something you needed to stop or start doing, a rut or habit to break?
- What did you do?
- How did it go? Did God bless you?
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
Again, we come to an English word that really doesn’t translate well the Hebrew meaning. The word Strength for Me’od is a weak translation. Me’od really is an adverb meaning “very much”, as in mucho grande. Original translations to Greek were “power”, where we can see strength came from. Translations to Aramaic were “wealth.” So, for both, drop the physical connotations, that was “Nephesh”, think of it as the power and wealth we wield. But also drop the worldly definitions and it’s all your power and wealth. Your anything and everything is directed in love towards God.
Prayer Time
Take this moment for prayer. Thank God for the gift of being able to give Him all your spiritual power and wealth in love. Ask Him to help you continue in the journey of giving your Me’od wholly to Him in love. Don’t rely on worldly strength or wealth. Pray that He will grant you the courage to take this step and keep moving forward. Ask for forgiveness if you have been trying to rely on your own strength or wealth instead of relying on God’s promise and grace.
Action Steps
- Make a list of all that you can offer in love to God, that you weren’t able to before.
- Make a plan for the week to put your Me’od into action. Make it practical. Give yourself achievable goals and tasks that will have measurable results.
- Give something of yours away each day out of love for God. Not because someone is asking you to or because of some obligation, but simply because you want to.
- Pray for guidance and strength throughout the week as you seek to give more of your Me’od in love for God. Ask that He helps you know what actions are truly acts of love towards Him.
- Reflect on your progress at the end of each day and take time to thank God for helping you on the journey.
Look In
- How does the world measure power and wealth?
- How does God measure power and wealth? (read Luke 21:1-4; the story of The Widow’s Mites)
- How should we measure our power and wealth?
Look Forward
God doesn’t measure how much we have; he measures how much we give in proportion to what we have.
- Take an assessment of your personal Me’od (power and wealth). Are you near loving Him with your all?
- What is one step you can take this week toward giving Me’od?
- What will you do to take this step?
Pray for one another to do these things.
Helpful Resources:
- The Bible Project: The Shema Series
If you have any questions, please contact us today!
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