Start with reviewing the Church’s early growth.
Last week we discussed Acts chapters 8-12 talked about the early Churches growth. This week we will be reviewing Acts 13-20 the missionary’s Journey with Paul and what it was like for the apostle Paul to travel around the Roman Empire announcing the good news about the risen Jesus.
Watch the video from us.
Review the notes below.
The gospel by its very nature is divisive. As Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34). When the gospel is clearly proclaimed, it draws a line in the sand. People cannot be neutral. So here, as everywhere Paul went, he stirred up controversy and divided people. Some believed and followed Paul; others rejected the message and out of jealousy stirred up opposition. Before a person can believe in the gospel, he first must understand the content of the gospel. Paul reasoned with the Jews from the Scriptures (Acts 17:2). Paul presented the truth and then responded to questions or challenges from the congregation. He explained and gave evidence “that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead” (Acts 17:3)
Key Points:
- Israelites also known as the jews claimed “their God” was the one true creator and king of the road.
- Paul went out on three road trips traveling by land and by sea. He endured a lot of pain and hardship during his travelings.
- Before a person can believe in the gospel, he first must understand the content of the gospel.
- Paul reasoned with the people using scripture.
- The Jews thought that Messiah would be a conquering King who would deliver them from Rome and other enemies, but they didn’t like the notion of Him suffering and dying for sinners.
- The Bible commands us to believe in the Lord Jesus, promising that we will be saved (Acts 16:31).
We must submit to the truth of the gospel by following Jesus as Lord, no matter the cost.
Talk About It:
- Some suggest every Christian adopt a “missionary lifestyle” and give the difference to the cause of missions. What do you think about this idea?
- What does total commitment to Christ and the gospel look like in a person who is not gifted as an evangelist or missionary?
- Why is faith not a leap in the dark? Could it rightly be called “a step” rather than “a leap”? Why/why not?
- Discuss: Is every follower of Christ called to radical commitment, or just those called into missions?
- What hinders you from sharing the gospel?
Helpful Resources:
The Bible Project: Learn About Paul’s Mission to the Greeks
Bible.org: Upsetting the World For Christ