Start with talking about Easter and the resurrection.

In this video, we trace the origins of the word “gospel” and how it ties the story of the Old Testament together with the story of Jesus and his announcement of God’s kingdom. Jesus brought God’s rule and reign to the world in a very upside-down way, which is the best news you could ask for.

One of the first times we see mention of the gospel of the kingdom is in Isaiah. Here, Isaiah talks about a messenger running toward the destroyed city of Jerusalem proclaiming the good news that their God is still king, and that God Himself would one day return to the city to set up His kingdom and bring peace to the land.


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Review the notes below.

In the New Testament we see the same wording of “good news” used yet again. It’s a Greek phrase that is just as often translated as “the gospel”. Throughout the New Testament this phrase is used to summarize all of Jesus’s teachings proclaiming everything that Jesus brought down to us as “good news”.

In several instances, Jesus described Himself as the messenger of God’s good news, just like the messenger that Isaiah foretold. The Jews, well-versed on these prophecies, had been expecting the messenger to come to pave the way for the kingdom of God. However, the kingdom of God that Jesus described was not the kingdom that the Jews were expecting. Instead of the powerful, militaristic kingdom that the Jews thought their God would give them, the gospel of Jesus Christ described a kingdom of love, meekness, and peace.

Word quickly spreads of this man who was acting as the king of Israel yet failing to deliver the type of kingdom the Jews were expecting. The Jewish leaders were so threatened by this unusual kingdom (and even more unusual king) that they decided to have Jesus killed.
Being crucified may seem like a fatal blow to someone who is trying to set up a kingdom, nevertheless, Jesus allowed them to do it. He saw the sin and corruption of the world, both past, present, and future, and He knew that there was no way the kingdom of God could ever be built on earth without an ultimate sacrifice to atone for all of mankind’s sins.

Key Points

  • Not only did Jesus come proclaiming a kingdom unlike any the Jews had ever heard of, He also came proclaiming Himself as the king of this new kingdom.
  • In the gospels, Jesus’ crucifixion is depicted as His enthronement as the king of the Jews.
  • Being crucified may seem like a fatal blow to someone who is trying to set up a kingdom, nevertheless, Jesus allowed them to do it.
  • Today, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of God’s kingdom that He brought down, is ours to deliver.
  • Like the messenger that Isaiah told about and the messenger that Christ Himself was, we too are now charged with going out and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus has defeated death, sin, and corruption. He reigns as king and sends out his followers to announce this good news.
  • Giving allegiance to him as your king comes with a huge blessing of experiencing profound love, forgiveness, joy, and fulfillment unlike anything you’ve ever known.

Talk About It

  • What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?
  • What would the result be if everyone shared the gospel?
  • What do you desire in more than anything else?
  • What do you know more about God this week, then you did last week?
  • What fears keep you from resting in Christ?
  • When people observe your relationship with others, are they alerted to the power of Christ’s forgiveness of you that alone accounts for your forgiveness of them? If not then how can you share the gospel to someone?
  • How do you share the gospel with others?
  • Are you being a messenger of Christ?

Helpful Resources

The Bible Project: The Gospel Kingdom

The Bible Project: What Are The Gospels